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Our Kings

We are proud to have these Kings to father our kittens.  



Klaus is by far the most affectionate animal I have ever had the pleasure of sharing my home with.  Klaus was imported from Russia comes to us genetically clear and verified through Optimal Selection.  Klaus to date has fathered all of our kittens here at SmokeshowMC.  He helps take care of his kittens and is a very low maintenance King.  I often say I don't know how I lived as long as I did without him in my life.  Klaus holds himself between 22-24 pounds.

Undercover Araslan of SmokeshowMC (Klaus)



Happy Hearts MCO Cooper Countryman is our up and coming King, at 4 months old, he was able to join us very recently.  His look is something I searched and searched for and a lucky to be able to add him to our program.  Like Klaus, Cooper's affectionate nature is unmatched.  I look forward to Cooper's babys at the end of 2023 and into 2024. 

Our Kings

Just joined our cattery



We have decided to change his name to Mufasa!  He is settling in well.


Here is a Surprise for SmokeshowMC.  We will be adding this amazing male to our program.  Zeus (His name may change) will be joining SmokeshowMC on January 21st.  He will be coming to us from Belarus.  I am so fortunate to be able to add this dynamic to our program.  I wasn't going to add another male, but if we keep any females, we need variety for them to breed with since we can't breed them with their dad!   Zeus is a xxl size male at 8 months.  Zeus will father some litters for us this late spring/summer.  He is coming to the US with a female that we arre also adding to the program of similar color and sizing.  They aren't related, so I anticipate that pairing to be the biggest kittens yet born here. 

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