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Purchasing a Kitten

Deciding to add a Maine Coon kitten to your family is a big decision. You need to consider all members of your family, including your other pets.  Maine coons can live on average 10-15 plus years.  They require high quality food, and vet care to keep them at their best.  If you and your family are ready to take the next step, please see the questions we have below and send us the responses to either email, or facebook messenger. 

What we need to know

Please send an email or send a Facebook message with the following information to start the adoption process

1) Full Name

2) City and state

3) Do you own or rent (if renting what is your landlords policy on animals. Are you able to provide your lease to show)

4) Are all household members in agreement with adding a kitten?

5) Do you have any current pets and status of vaccines and spay/neuter

6) Do you agree to never declaw a Maine Coon from SmokeshowMC

7) How many years are you ready to commit to a kitten?

8)Why do you want a Maine coon?

9) What is your plan should you ever need to give up an animal?

10) Anything else you would like us to know about you and/or your family?

email to

or connect with us and private message on Facebook


Fun Fact

Maine Coons are known as gentle giants.  We would have to agree

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